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Fruhling - a happy pot 


The images of Anthony Caro’s Trojan War series kept re-occurring to me.     

The idea of solidity cut into, as opposed to creating an empty space, was appealing.   


So I got a lump of black earthenware (potclays 1995 vintage) and started cutting into it and making holes.   It wasn’t becoming a bit of mountain or a rock, it was becoming an entity – maybe Hades or Chronos.   

It needed nails and a bit of kiln element  I found in the studio wastebin to express itself.


And instead of Hades or Chronos it turned itself into Persephone - emerging to a new Spring - Fruhling.

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My hoped for outcome is a body of work that  considers the energies within and around each piece.

My objective is to achieve Mushin/WuWei (no mind) through finding and harnessing Tandien/Hara (centre) and ying/yang (positive/negative).  The goal is to begin to see ‘virtue’(Te)  and to see the energy inherent in the void or empty spaces within the work I create.


There are, perhaps, few Occidental ceramicists exploring specifically the theory of WuWei and Te and their link to Western concepts of Void, Emptiness and – possibly – modern  pre-occupations about ‘mindfulness’.

However, as nothing is new under the Sun I have no pretensions about being ‘new’ or ‘innovative’ – just about trying to be myself …………


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